Fresh 48s are the newest sessions on offer through Catchlight Photography and to say I’m pumped about them is a huge understatement. I’ve been getting a lot of questions from people who aren’t yet familiar with Fresh 48 photos so I thought I’d do a little blog post explaining what they are and why you will not regret the decision to have them done yourself!

What are Fresh 48 photos?
Fresh 48 photos are taken within the first 48 hours after a baby’s birth. They are typically done at the place of birth, so usually the hospital, but can also take place at home if you have a home birth or get discharged early.
The sessions typically last about an hour, but I allow for a little extra time since babies can be unpredictable and interruptions are not unexpected, especially when you’re still in hospital.
The photos will be a mix of baby by him or herself, baby with one or both parents, and baby with siblings or other relatives that are visiting at the time. I focus on little fleeting details like matted baby hair, hospital bracelets, nurse swaddles, etc. as well as the rapidly developing relationship between baby and family.

How do you prepare for Fresh 48 photos?
Contact me as soon as you decide you would like to have photos done to check availability and get your due date in my calendar. I remain on call (i.e. in town) for two weeks before and after your due date so that I can be sure to make it to you within the first 48 hours of birth.
Have something comfortable and flattering packed in your hospital bag to wear for photos. A nice robe or cozy sweater work well. Remember, you’ll still have a belly for a while after giving birth, so don’t pack your skinny jeans! You will also likely be in a fair bit of discomfort still, so choose something forgiving and easy to get on and off. Consider something nursing-friendly if you plan to breastfeed. Pick out and set aside something neutral and comfortable for your partner and other children to wear too.
When you’re in labor and headed into the hospital you send me a quick text to let me know so that I can start making arrangements, then once baby makes an appearance you contact me again to firm up plans for the shoot.
I come to you, hang out for a bit, snuggle your babe, take some pictures, then I leave you to your bonding. The whole session is very relaxed.

Are Fresh 48 photos the same as lifestyle newborn photos?
Short answer, no. Lifestyle newborn sessions are always done at home, regardless of where baby was born. They are done within the first month, but preferably the first two weeks. The sessions are longer – up to two hours long – and include more variety in posing, outfits and locations. They allow you to always include older siblings (not always practical or possible in a hospital setting) and pets. Lifestyle newborn sessions are a little more formal as well in that you have more of an opportunity to prepare yourself and your family for the session. Together, Fresh 48s and Lifestyle sessions make a great combination for capturing the larger story of your newborn.

Why should you get Fresh 48 photos?
Those first hours and days after a baby is born go by FAST. And in your euphoric/sleep deprived/overwhelmed/uncomfortable/confused/in love state it’s hard to stop and take in the details. And it’s amazing how quickly those details get fuzzy in your memory. When my daughters were born, pictures were not at the forefront of my mind, so most of what we got were poorly lit cellphone images taken by visiting relatives. This is where I come in. Give yourself one less thing to worry about and let me capture those details in photos for you to hold onto forever.